Please remember that all staff and management on thr resort want you to have a fun but safe experience while here. Our rules are firstly for your own safety and the fishes welfare. Accidents happen easily especially when dealing with these extremely large and powerful fish, so please take the rules seriously.
The fishery is strictly a catch and release fishery. The prime concern is that everyone takes care of the fish so that you give the opportunity for others to catch specimen fish in pristine condition. Our fish are often rare, and took a long time to become some of the largest in the world.
Everyone who fishes here will have a gillie available to assist them particularly in the netting of and handling of the fish. Please listen to the gillies and take note of what they say as their decision on rigs and fish care is final.
The gillies look after up to 4 customers at a time their job does not include :- baiting up for you or casting or striking your rods, although if not pushed with other priorities will do everything they can to help a self-declared novice angler or simply a guest who is struggling to catch fish. They are there to offer advice, make sure you are fishing safely and to net your fish and take care of the fishes safety .They are happy to help as needed where they can, but ultimately YOU are the angler, so please do not lambaste or blame gillies for your results or lack of them.
Before commencing to fish we will check your drag setting on your reels. Please do not attempt to back-wind the fish as they make very fast and powerful runs. Once the fish is ready to be netted the gillie will net the fish for you always IN the water.
NO fish are allowed to be taken onto the bank. If you want to be photographed with your fish you will have to get into the water. The gillie will tell you when you can enter the water for a photo. This is at your own risk. Please remove all watches, rings, necklaces etc and get your camera ready before entering the water and handling the fish. This will help to release all fish quickly and safely. If the fish is showing signs of stress it will be returned immediately without a photo.
When holding fish for photos please step back from the concrete swim at least 1 meter, keep the fish as low to the water as possible and keep your hands away from the fish’s gills, mouth and bellie. Some fish have some sharp spikes or gill plates etc so please listen to the gillie.
We do not weigh fish as a matter of routine. We give weight ESTIMATES BASED ON OUR EXPERIENCE. Our estimates are usually to the low side as we don’t like to inflate any weights if we can help it.
Please also keep in mind that you are in Thailand and some our staff do not speak English as their first language so please be patient if there are any misunderstandings.
If for any reason there is an accident or someone needs medical assistance please blow the whistle as loud and often as you can to attract attention to a gillie or anyone close by who can assist you or the person in need of assistance.
No children under the age of 10 are allowed on the resort. Lets face it, kids are annoying. Nobody wants to listen to a spoilt brat screaming at the top of their lungs and have said child ruin their fishing experience or the tranquil surroundings of the resort or pool area.
All guests will be given a copy of these rules, which they will be expected to read and sign before fishing to acknowledge that they agree with and will abide by ALL our rules.
By guest registration you are signing our waiver, so you also agree that we will not be held responsible for yours or your accompanying guests safety while on our premises. This includes while in the lake and especially while handling the fish.
You also acknowledge that we may use photos of you or your guests while at our resort for promotional purposes.